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- ;History:1016,24
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- .xlist
- include mintdefs.asm
- code segment byte public
- code ends
- data segment byte public
- extrn next_ids: word
- extrn formb: word
- extrn forme: word
- extrn fbgn: word
- extrn fend: word
- extrn actptr: word
- extrn filename: byte
- size_buf dw ?
- public save_stack
- save_stack dw ?
- public read_errors
- read_errors dw read_error_1
- dw read_error_2
- dw read_error_3
- dw read_error_4
- dw read_error_5
- public write_errors
- write_errors dw write_error_1
- dw write_error_2
- dw write_error_3
- dw write_error_4
- read_error_1 label byte
- read_error_2 db 'File too large'
- read_error_3 db 'File not found'
- read_error_4 db 'End of file'
- read_error_5 label byte
- write_error_1 label byte
- write_error_2 db 'Disk full'
- write_error_3 db 'Directory full or bad filename'
- write_error_4 label byte
- environ_name db 'env.'
- environ_name_len equ $-environ_name
- db 'RUNLINE'
- runline_len equ $-environ_name
- switchar_name db 'env.SWITCHAR'
- switchar_len equ $-switchar_name
- form_prefix_len dw ? ;for use by ln prim
- form_prefix_ptr dw ? ;...
- out_of_memory_msg db 'Not enough memory.$'
- break_state db ? ;=state of break checking flag.
- extrn stackp: byte
- public phd_seg
- phd_seg dw ?
- data ends
- code segment byte public
- assume cs:code, ds:data, es:data
- ;starting address of program.
- init:
- mov ax,data
- mov ds,ax
- mov phd_seg,es
- mov es,ax
- cli
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,offset stackp
- sti
- push ds
- mov ds,phd_seg
- mov bx,ds:[2]
- pop ds
- mov dx,bx
- sub dx,ax ;compute memory between data and end.
- cmp dx,1000h ;more than 64k?
- jb init_exit ;no - not enough memory.
- add ax,1000h ;start buffers at the next segment up.
- call mint_init
- jc init_exit ;no memory.
- call init_entry
- call init_screen
- call pick_init
- call paint_screen
- mov ax,0ffffh ;start at the end of memory.
- mov formb,ax ;delete all forms.
- mov forme,ax
- push ds ;set the fatal error address.
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx,offset abort_fatal
- mov ax,2524h
- int 21h
- pop ds
- mov ax,33h*256+0 ;get the break state.
- int 21h
- mov break_state,dl
- mov ax,33h*256+1 ;turn break checking off.
- mov dl,0
- int 21h
- jmp init_ids
- init_exit:
- mov dx,offset out_of_memory_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,4c01h
- int 21h ;halt because of no memory.
- extrn lastcode: byte
- extrn init_screen: near
- extrn pick_init: near
- extrn init_ids: near ;restart mint interpreter
- extrn abort_fatal: near ;fatal error handler
- extrn mint_init: near ;perform any special mint initing.
- extrn return_null: near
- extrn paint_screen: near ;start with the screen unpainted.
- ;The following two externs init and uninit anything that's machine specific.
- extrn init_entry: near
- extrn uninit_exit: near
- extrn set_form_pointer: near
- ;set_form_pointer updates the form pointer. It does the dirty work
- ; for return_form.
- extrn return_form: near
- ;return_form updates the form pointer and jumps to return_tos
- extrn return_arg: near
- extrn return_arg_active: near
- ;return_arg and return_arg_active return the argument whose number is given
- ; in cx. return_arg_active always returns the argument as active.
- extrn return_string: near
- ;return_string returns the ALth string out of the table pointed to by bx.
- extrn return_sicx: near
- ;return_sicx returns the string pointed to by si. The length of the
- ; string is given in cx.
- extrn return_tos: near
- ;return_tos returns the string pointed to by the top of the stack.
- ; The length of the string is the difference between di and the
- ; beginning of the stirng.
- extrn nomem: near
- ;primitives here
- hl_prim:
- call get_decimal_arg1 ;get the return code.
- push ax
- mov ax,33h*256+1 ;set the break state.
- mov dl,break_state
- int 21h
- call uninit_exit
- pop ax
- mov ah,4ch
- int 21h
- eq_prim:
- call getarg1 ;get the first argument
- mov dx,cx ;save size of first argument
- mov di,si ;save pointer to first argument
- mov cx,2 ;get second argument
- call getarg
- cmp cx,dx ;lengths equal?
- jne eq_prim_1 ;no, return 4th
- repe cmpsb ;strings equal?
- jne eq_prim_1 ;no, return 4th.
- mov cx,3
- jmp return_arg
- eq_prim_1:
- mov cx,4
- jmp return_arg
- nc_prim:
- call getarg1
- di_points_fbgn
- mov ax,cx
- jmp return_number
- sc_prim:
- bc_prim:
- mov cx,2 ;get 'from' argument.
- call getarg
- mov dl,'a' ;default to ASCII
- jcxz bc_prim_1
- mov dl,[si] ;get from type.
- bc_prim_1:
- mov cx,3 ;get 'to' argument.
- call getarg
- mov dh,'d' ;default to decimal
- jcxz bc_prim_2
- mov dh,[si]
- bc_prim_2:
- call getarg1
- call bc_prim_base ;get the source base.
- or bx,bx ;ASCII?
- jnz bc_prim_4 ;no.
- lodsb
- mov ah,0
- jmp bc_prim_3
- bc_prim_4:
- push dx ;preserve dx.
- call get_number
- pop dx
- bc_prim_3:
- ;we now have the number in ax.
- mov dl,dh
- call bc_prim_base
- di_points_fbgn
- or bx,bx
- jnz bc_prim_5
- stosb
- jmp return_tos
- bc_prim_5:
- mov cx,0 ;use only as many digits as are needed.
- call put_number
- jmp return_tos
- ;private subroutine, used only bc_prim.
- bc_prim_base:
- ;enter with dl=base character.
- ;exit with bx=base if number; bx=0 if ASCII.
- or dl,20h ;convert UPPER case to lower case.
- cmp dl,'d'
- jne bc_prim_base_1
- mov bx,10
- ret
- bc_prim_base_1:
- cmp dl,'o'
- jne bc_prim_base_2
- mov bx,8
- ret
- bc_prim_base_2:
- cmp dl,'h'
- jne bc_prim_base_3
- mov bx,16
- ret
- bc_prim_base_3:
- cmp dl,'c'
- jne bc_prim_base_4
- mov bx,0
- ret
- bc_prim_base_4:
- cmp dl,'a' ;a alias character.
- jne bc_prim_base_5
- mov bx,0
- ret
- bc_prim_base_5:
- cmp dl,'b'
- jne bc_prim_base_6
- mov bx,2
- ret
- bc_prim_base_6:
- ret
- db_prim:
- int 3
- jmp return_null
- dt_prim:
- di_points_fbgn
- mov ah,2ah
- int 21h
- mov bx,10 ;do all conversions in decimal.
- push cx
- push dx
- mov al,dh ;get month
- mov ah,0
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- mov al,"-"
- stosb
- pop ax ;pushed as dx (get date)
- mov ah,0
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- mov al,"-"
- stosb
- pop ax ;pushed as cx (get year)
- sub ax,1900 ;only output the last two digits.
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- jmp return_tos
- tm_prim:
- di_points_fbgn
- mov ah,2ch
- int 21h
- mov bx,10 ;do all conversions in decimal.
- push dx
- push cx
- mov al,ch ;get hours
- mov ah,0
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- mov al,":"
- stosb
- pop ax ;pushed as cx (get minutes)
- mov ah,0
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- mov al,":"
- stosb
- pop dx ;get seconds
- mov al,dh
- mov ah,0
- mov cx,2
- call put_number
- jmp return_tos
- ;form primitives
- ds_prim:
- mov cx,2 ;get data first.
- call getarg
- mov dx,cx
- mov di,si
- call getarg1
- mov bx,0 ;reset form pointer.
- call define_form
- jmp return_null
- ss_prim:
- call find_arg1
- jnc ss_prim_3
- mov dx,[bx].data_length ;save the count of the form in dx.
- lea di,[bx].name_offset
- add di,[bx].name_length ;save the pointer to the form in di.
- mov si,fbgn ;point si at the zeroth arg.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the form name.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the first argument.
- mov ah,sgap+1 ;start with sgap 1.
- ss_prim_1:
- cmp si,[si] ;are we pointing at fend?
- je ss_prim_3
- push si ;save pointer to args.
- mov cx,[si] ;compute length of this arg.
- sub cx,si
- sub cx,mark_overhead
- add si,mark_overhead-1 ;make si=> text of argument.
- ;at this point, si,cx => arg; di,dx => form.
- push di
- push dx
- jcxz ss_prim_5 ;ignore null strings.
- ss_prim_4:
- call string_search
- jc ss_prim_5 ;not found. Done with this arg.
- ;at this point, we have found a string. We proceed to replace it by
- ;the appropriate segment gap. We have already ensured that the string
- ;is at least one character long.
- push cx ;preserve cx
- mov al,ah ;get the sgap.
- stosb ;store it.
- ;by the way, at this point, the relation (cx <= dx) is always true.
- sub dx,cx ;count it, and the ones we're getting rid of.
- dec cx ;one less to get rid of.
- mov al,sgap ;get rid of the rest of the chars.
- rep stosb ;cx may be zero, but it doesn't hurt.
- pop cx
- jmp ss_prim_4
- ss_prim_5:
- pop dx
- pop di
- pop si ;restore pointer to args.
- mov si,[si] ;make it point to next arg.
- inc ah ;increment sgap to next arg.
- jmp ss_prim_1
- ss_prim_3:
- jmp return_null
- nb_prim:
- call find_arg1
- mov cx,3
- jnc nb_prim_1
- mov cx,2
- nb_prim_1:
- jmp return_arg
- ;default primitive is the same as the cl primitive, only we start counting
- ; arguments from zero, not one.
- dflt:
- mov bp,0
- jmp cl_prim_entry
- cl_prim:
- mov bp,1
- cl_prim_entry:
- mov cx,bp ;get the number of the form name arg.
- di_points_fend
- call find_arg
- jnc cl_prim_1
- jcxz cl_prim_1 ;if no characters, return null.
- or bp,bp ;is this dflt or cl?
- jne cl_prim_2 ;cl - use specified args.
- dec bp ;make bp+1 be the number of the form name arg.
- cl_prim_2:
- lodsb ;get char
- or al,al ;test it for sgapness
- jge cl_prim_3 ;go if not sgap
- sub al,sgap ;which sgap?
- jz cl_prim_4 ;ignore sgap0's
- cbw ;we're going to be counting off ax
- add ax,bp ;add in the first arg number.
- push si ;preserve pointer, count of the form
- push cx
- mov cx,ax
- call getarg
- chk_actptr_cnt
- rep movsb
- pop cx ;restore pointer, count of the form
- pop si
- jmp cl_prim_4
- cl_prim_3:
- chk_actptr
- stosb
- cl_prim_4:
- loop cl_prim_2
- cl_prim_1:
- jmp return_tos
- cc_prim:
- call find_arg1
- jnc cc_prim_1 ;form not found.
- jcxz cc_prim_2 ;no chars left.
- di_points_fbgn
- movsb ;no need to check for collision with actptr.
- dec cx
- jmp return_form
- cc_prim_2:
- mov cx,2
- jmp return_arg_active
- cc_prim_1:
- jmp return_null
- cr_prim:
- call find_arg1
- jnc cr_prim_1
- mov [bx].form_pointer,0
- cr_prim_1:
- jmp return_null
- cn_prim:
- call find_arg1
- jnc cn_prim_1
- jcxz cn_prim_2
- push si ;save pointer, count to form.
- push cx
- push bx
- mov cx,2 ;get number of chars to call.
- call get_decimal_arg
- mov dx,ax ;save in dx.
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop si
- di_points_fbgn
- cmp dx,cx ;are we trying to get more than exists?
- jbe cn_prim_3 ;no - move the requested amount.
- mov dx,cx ;yes - truncate to the amount that exists.
- cn_prim_3:
- xchg dx,cx ;swap the count remaining and the get count.
- sub dx,cx ;dec the count remaining by the get count.
- chk_actptr_cnt ;check for collision
- rep movsb ;move all the chars.
- mov cx,dx ;return the count remaining in cx.
- jmp return_form
- cn_prim_2:
- mov cx,3
- jmp return_arg_active
- cn_prim_1:
- jmp return_null
- in_prim:
- call find_arg1
- jnc in_prim_1 ;if form not found, return null.
- jcxz in_prim_2 ;if nothing to search, return two.
- push si
- mov di,si
- mov dx,cx
- mov cx,2
- call getarg
- ;now si,cx => short string, di,dx => long string.
- call string_search
- jc in_prim_3 ;if it's not found, just return arg 3.
- ;what we want to do now is to return the string from [tos] to [di],
- ; and advance the form pointer to point after the found string.
- sub dx,cx ;dx gets long length - short length.
- pop si
- mov cx,di ;get the number of characters before
- sub cx,si ; the search string.
- di_points_fbgn ;prepare to return a string.
- chk_actptr_cnt ;make sure we have enough room.
- rep movsb
- mov cx,dx ;return_form expects the count in cx.
- jmp return_form
- in_prim_3:
- add sp,2 ;get rid of the pointer to the search string.
- in_prim_2:
- mov cx,3
- jmp return_arg_active
- in_prim_1:
- jmp return_null
- ev_prim:
- xor si,si ;start at the beginning of the environ.
- ev_prim_1:
- mov di,fbgn
- push si ;copy in the environ name.
- mov si,offset environ_name
- mov cx,environ_name_len
- rep movsb
- pop si
- push ds
- mov ds,phd_seg
- mov ds,ds:[2ch]
- mov cx,environ_name_len ;start with what we've got already.
- ev_prim_2:
- inc cx
- lodsb
- stosb
- or al,al
- jne ev_prim_2
- pop ds
- dec cx ;don't count the null.
- cmp cx,environ_name_len ;did we get any at all?
- je ev_prim_3 ;if none, we're done.
- push si ;remember the environment pointer.
- mov di,fbgn ;make di->entire name.
- mov si,di ;make si -> the name.
- mov al,'=' ;look for the name/data separator.
- repne scasb
- mov dx,cx ;dx (data length) is number of chars left.
- mov cx,di ;compute the name length.
- sub cx,si
- dec cx ;don't count the '='.
- ;define a form. Enter with:
- ; si => name
- ; cx = name length
- ; di => data
- ; dx = data length
- ; bx = form pointer.
- xor bx,bx
- call define_form
- pop si
- jmp ev_prim_1
- ev_prim_3:
- mov di,fbgn
- mov si,80h
- push ds
- mov ds,phd_seg
- lodsb ;get the line length.
- mov dl,al
- mov dh,0
- mov cx,dx ;put it where movs can destroy it.
- rep movsb
- pop ds
- mov di,fbgn ;restore di again.
- mov si,offset environ_name
- mov cx,offset runline_len
- xor bx,bx
- call define_form
- mov ax,3700h ;get the switchar.
- int 21h
- mov di,fbgn
- mov [di],dl ;store the switchar.
- mov dx,1 ;set the data length.
- mov si,offset switchar_name
- mov cx,offset switchar_len
- xor bx,bx
- call define_form
- jmp return_null
- if 0
- pa_prim:
- ;#(ps,prefix, seperator, arguments)
- di_points_fend
- call getarg1 ;get seperator and save it.
- mov bp,si ;store the pointer to arg1 in bp
- mov dx,cx ;store the size of arg1 in dx
- mov cx,2 ;get the form prefix.
- call getarg
- mov form_prefix_len,cx
- mov form_prefix_ptr,si
- mov si,fbgn ;point si at the zeroth arg.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the prefix
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the seperator.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the arguments.
- pa_prim_1:
- cmp si,[si] ;are we pointing at fend?
- je pa_prim_2 ;yes, exit.
- push si ;save pointer to args.
- mov cx,[si] ;compute length of this arg.
- sub cx,si
- sub cx,mark_overhead
- add si,mark_overhead-1 ;make si=> text of argument.
- ;at this point, si,cx => arg
- cmp cx,dx ;is argument length < prefix length?
- jb pa_prim_4 ;yes - prefix can't match.
- push di ;save the source pointers.
- push si
- push cx
- mov di,bp
- mov cx,dx
- repe cmpsb ;compare the prefix to the form name.
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop di
- jne pa_prim_4 ;the prefixes didn't match - ignore it.
- pa_prim_3:
- chk_actptr_cnt
- rep movsb ;move the name in.
- mov si,form_prefix_ptr ;get the seperator ptr, count.
- mov cx,form_prefix_len
- chk_actptr_cnt
- rep movsb ;move it in.
- pa_prim_4:
- pop si ;get the argument pointer back.
- mov si,[si] ;get the next argument.
- jmp pa_prim_1 ;and continue.
- pa_prim_2:
- jmp return_tos
- endif
- ln_prim:
- mov bx,formb ;get pointer to forms.
- di_points_fend
- call getarg1 ;get seperator and save it.
- mov bp,si ;store the pointer to arg1 in bp
- mov dx,cx ;store the size of arg1 in dx
- mov cx,2 ;get the form prefix.
- call getarg
- mov form_prefix_len,cx
- mov form_prefix_ptr,si
- ln_prim_1:
- cmp bx,forme ;at end?
- je ln_prim_2 ;yes, exit.
- lea si,[bx].name_offset ;get the name pointer.
- mov cx,form_prefix_len
- jcxz ln_prim_3 ;zero prefixes match anything.
- cmp cx,[bx].name_length ;is prefix length>name length?
- ja ln_prim_4 ;yes - prefix can't match.
- push di ;save the source pointers.
- push si
- mov di,form_prefix_ptr
- repe cmpsb ;compare the prefix to the form name.
- pop si
- pop di
- jne ln_prim_4 ;the prefixes didn't match - ignore it.
- ln_prim_3:
- mov cx,[bx].name_length ;get the name length
- chk_actptr_cnt
- rep movsb ;move the name in.
- mov si,bp ;get the pointer to arg1.
- mov cx,dx ;get the size of arg1.
- chk_actptr_cnt
- rep movsb ;move it in.
- ln_prim_4:
- add bx,[bx].form_length ;point to next form.
- jmp ln_prim_1 ;and continue.
- ln_prim_2:
- jmp return_tos
- dd_prim:
- mov si,fbgn ;point si at "dd".
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the first arg.
- dd_prim_1:
- cmp si,[si] ;are we pointing at fend?
- je dd_prim_3
- push si ;save pointer to args.
- mov cx,[si] ;compute length of this arg.
- sub cx,si
- sub cx,mark_overhead
- add si,mark_overhead-1 ;make si=> text of argument.
- call find_form ;try to find this form.
- jnc dd_prim_2 ;go if it didn't exist.
- call delete_form ;delete the form if it did exist.
- dd_prim_2:
- pop si ;restore pointer to args.
- mov si,[si] ;make it point to next arg.
- jmp dd_prim_1
- dd_prim_3:
- jmp return_null
- sb_prim:
- call getarg1_filename
- mov dx,si
- mov cx,0
- mov ah,3ch ;create file.
- int 21h
- mov bx,ax ;remember the handle.
- mov al,2
- jc sb_prim_4
- mov si,fbgn ;point si at the zeroth arg.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the form name.
- mov si,[si] ;point si at the first search string.
- sb_prim_1:
- cmp si,[si] ;are we pointing at fend?
- je sb_prim_3
- push si ;save pointer to args.
- mov cx,[si] ;compute length of this arg.
- sub cx,si
- sub cx,mark_overhead
- add si,mark_overhead-1 ;make si=> text of argument.
- push bx
- call find_form
- mov di,bx ;remember where the form is.
- pop bx
- jnc sb_prim_2 ;go if it isn't there.
- mov cx,[di].form_length
- mov dx,di
- mov ah,40h ;write to a file
- int 21h
- jnc sb_prim_2 ;no problem.
- mov ah,3eh ;disk full - close the file.
- int 21h
- mov dx,offset filename ;delete the file.
- mov ah,41h
- int 21h
- mov al,1
- jmp short sb_prim_4
- sb_prim_2:
- pop si ;restore pointer to args.
- mov si,[si] ;make it point to next arg.
- jmp sb_prim_1
- sb_prim_3:
- mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
- int 21h
- mov al,0 ;no problem.
- sb_prim_4:
- mov bx,offset write_errors
- jmp return_string
- fb_prim:
- ;Note that information about the structure 'form' is hard-coded into the
- ; next routine. We assume that 'form_length' is only two bytes long,
- ; and occurs at the beginning of the structure.
- call getarg1_filename
- mov dx,si
- mov ax,3d00h ;open file for reading.
- int 21h
- mov bx,ax ;remember the handle.
- mov al,2
- jc fb_prim_4_j_1
- mov ax,forme ;anything loaded yet?
- cmp ax,formb
- jne fb_prim_1 ;yes - load one by one.
- mov cx,0
- mov dx,cx
- mov ax,4202h ;seek to the end of the file.
- int 21h
- push ax ;remember the file size.
- mov dx,cx ;zero out dx again.
- mov ax,4200h
- int 21h
- pop cx ;get the file size back again.
- mov ax,forme ;no - do a bulk load.
- sub ax,cx ;see if there is enough room.
- jb fb_prim_3_j ;can't possibly be.
- mov dx,ax
- sub ax,free_space ;free_space is the working room.
- cmp ax,fend
- jb fb_prim_3_j ;there isn't.
- mov cx,formb ;compute size of active string.
- sub cx,actptr
- mov si,actptr ;->active string.
- mov di,dx ;->new formb.
- sub di,cx ;leave room for the active string.
- mov actptr,di
- rep movsb
- mov formb,dx
- mov cx,-1 ;read the whole file in.
- mov ah,3fh ;read from a file.
- int 21h
- jc fb_prim_5 ;trouble reading...
- push bx ;preserve handle.
- call rehash ;reconstruct the hash links.
- pop bx
- fb_prim_6:
- mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
- int 21h
- mov al,0 ;all ok.
- jmp fb_prim_4 ;we destroyed the active string.
- fb_prim_5:
- mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
- int 21h
- mov al,3 ;read error.
- fb_prim_4_j_1:
- ;we get here if we can't open the file.
- jmp fb_prim_4 ;we destroyed the active string.
- fb_prim_3_j:
- jmp fb_prim_3
- fb_prim_1:
- mov dx,offset size_buf ;set disk transfer address
- mov cx,2
- mov ah,3fh ;read from a file.
- int 21h
- jc fb_prim_5 ;close the file - trouble reading.
- cmp ax,0 ;did we read no bytes at all?
- je fb_prim_6 ;close and exit.
- mov ax,size_buf ;we need twice as much memory
- shl ax,1 ; as in size_buf.
- add ax,fend ;see if there is enough room.
- add ax,free_space
- cmp ax,actptr
- jae fb_prim_3
- mov dx,fend
- add dx,2
- mov cx,size_buf
- sub cx,2 ;transfer two less bytes.
- mov ah,3fh ;read from a file.
- int 21h
- jc fb_prim_5
- cmp ax,cx
- jne fb_prim_5 ;trouble reading...
- push bx
- mov bx,fend ;don't add 2 like we did before because
- mov cx,[bx].name_length ; we already read form_length.
- mov dx,[bx].data_length
- lea si,[bx].name_offset
- mov di,si
- add di,cx ;or [bx].name_length, but cx is cheaper.
- mov bx,[bx].form_pointer
- call define_form
- pop bx
- jmp fb_prim_1
- fb_prim_3:
- mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
- int 21h
- jmp nomem
- fb_prim_4:
- mov bx,offset read_errors
- jmp return_string
- ad_prim:
- call get_math
- add ax,bx
- push si
- jmp return_number
- su_prim:
- call get_math
- sub ax,bx
- push si
- jmp return_number
- ml_prim:
- call get_math
- imul bx
- push si
- jmp return_number
- dv_prim:
- call get_math
- or bx,bx
- je dv_prim_1
- cwd
- idiv bx
- dv_prim_1:
- push si
- jmp return_number
- md_prim:
- call get_math
- or bx,bx
- je md_prim_1
- cwd
- idiv bx
- mov ax,dx
- md_prim_1:
- push si
- jmp return_number
- gr_prim:
- call get_math
- mov cx,3
- cmp ax,bx
- jg gr_prim_1
- mov cx,4
- gr_prim_1:
- jmp return_arg
- ;primitive externals
- public dflt
- public hl_prim
- public eq_prim
- public nc_prim
- public sc_prim
- public db_prim
- public dt_prim
- public tm_prim
- ;forms
- public ds_prim
- public ss_prim
- public cl_prim
- public cc_prim
- public cn_prim
- public cr_prim
- public in_prim
- public ev_prim
- public ln_prim
- public dd_prim
- public sb_prim
- public fb_prim
- public nb_prim
- ;math
- public ad_prim
- public su_prim
- public ml_prim
- public dv_prim
- public md_prim
- public gr_prim
- ;form subroutines
- extrn define_form: near
- extrn delete_form: near
- ;delete_form deletes the form pointed to by bx.
- extrn rehash: near
- ;rehash rebuilds the hashing links. Used only when a file is bulk loaded.
- extrn find_form: near
- ;find_form returns bx pointing to the form whose name is pointed to by si.
- ; The length of the form name is given in cx.
- ; If the form doesn't exist, cy is set, otherwise cy is clear.
- ; di points to the form data after the form pointer, and cx is the
- ; number of chars after the form pointer.
- extrn find_arg1: near
- ;find_arg1 returns bx pointing to the form whose name is given in
- ; arg1. If the form doesn't exist, cy is set, otherwise cy is clear.
- ; di points to the form data after the form pointer, and cx is the
- ; number of chars after the form pointer.
- extrn find_arg: near
- ;find_arg returns bx pointing to the form whose name is given in
- ; the arg specified by cx. If the form doesn't exist, cy is
- ; set, otherwise cy is clear. di points to the form data
- ; after the form pointer, and cx is the number of chars after
- ; the form pointer.
- ;utility subroutines
- public get_math
- get_math:
- ;exit with ax=first number, bx=second number, si->first arg, di->first number.
- mov cx,2
- call get_decimal_arg
- push ax
- call getarg1
- push si
- call get_decimal
- mov di,si
- pop si
- pop bx ;pushed as ax
- ret
- public get_decimal_arg1
- get_decimal_arg1:
- mov cx,1
- ;fall through
- public get_decimal_arg
- get_decimal_arg:
- call getarg
- ;fall through
- public get_decimal
- get_decimal:
- mov bx,10
- ;fall through
- public get_number
- get_number:
- ;enter with si,cx => string containing trailing number, bx=base to convert
- ; number in. Return number in ax, si => start of digit string.
- add si,cx
- push cx
- get_number_1:
- dec si
- mov al,[si]
- sub al,"0" ;between 0 and "9"?
- jb get_number_2 ;no - can't be a digit.
- cmp al,"9"-"0" ;between "0" and "9"?
- jbe get_number_6 ;yes - must be a digit.
- cmp al,"a"-"0"
- jb get_number_8
- sub al,"a"-"A"
- get_number_8:
- cmp al,"A"-"0" ;between "A" and "9"?
- jb get_number_2 ;yes - can't be a digit.
- sub al,"A"-("0"+10) ;convert "A" to 10
- get_number_6:
- cmp al,bl ;a legal digit in the desired base?
- jae get_number_2 ;no.
- loop get_number_1
- dec si ;setup for pre-increment.
- get_number_2:
- mov dx,cx
- pop cx ;restore count.
- sub cx,dx ;get the actual count of chars into cx.
- inc si
- push si ;save a copy of the start of the number.
- mov ax,0 ;initially zero.
- ;at this point, si => first digit, cx = count of digits to convert.
- jcxz get_number_4 ;if no more chars, we're done.
- get_number_3:
- mul bx
- mov dx,ax
- lodsb ;ax = new ASCII digit.
- sub al,"0" ;make it a number.
- cmp al,"9"-"0"
- jbe get_number_7
- cmp al,"a"-"0"
- jb get_number_9
- sub al,"a"-"A"
- get_number_9:
- sub al,"A"-("0"+10)
- get_number_7:
- cbw ;make it a word.
- add ax,dx ;and add in the old value.
- loop get_number_3
- get_number_4:
- pop si
- cmp byte ptr -1[si],"-"
- jne get_number_5
- dec si
- neg ax
- get_number_5:
- ret
- public return_number
- return_number:
- ;enter with di => place to put string, tos => start of string,
- ; ax=number.
- mov cx,0 ;use only as many digits as is needed.
- mov bx,10
- call put_number
- jmp return_tos
- public put_number
- put_number:
- ;enter with di => place to put string, ax = number, cx=minimum number of digits
- ; bx=base to convert number to.
- or ax,ax
- jge put_number_1
- neg ax
- mov byte ptr [di],"-"
- inc di
- put_number_1:
- call one_digit
- ret
- one_digit:
- jcxz one_digit_3
- dec cx
- one_digit_3:
- cwd
- div bx
- push dx
- or ax,ax
- jnz one_digit_1 ;if more digits, do them.
- jcxz one_digit_2 ;if count is zero, don't do next digit.
- ;we get here if we have more digits to do, or we have more leading
- ; zeroes to place.
- one_digit_1:
- call one_digit
- one_digit_2:
- pop ax ;pushed as dx
- add al,"0"
- cmp al,"9"
- jbe one_digit_4
- add al,"A"-("9"+1) ;the digit above "9" becomes an "A".
- one_digit_4:
- chk_actptr
- stosb
- ret
- string_search:
- if 1
- ;enter with si,cx => short string, di,dx => long string.
- ;exit with nc if string was found, di,dx => position found.
- ;exit with cy if string was not found.
- jcxz string_search_3 ;zero length strings are found immediately
- ;we can get into trouble if cx = 0 after this point.
- string_search_1:
- cmp dx,cx
- jb string_search_2
- push si ;preserve all the registers.
- push di
- push cx
- repe cmpsb
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- je string_search_3
- dec dx
- inc di
- jmp string_search_1
- string_search_3:
- clc
- ret
- string_search_2:
- stc
- ret
- else
- ;enter with si,cx => short string, di,dx => long string.
- ;exit with nc if string was found, di,dx => position found.
- ;exit with cy if string was not found.
- ;preserve si,cx, ah.
- jcxz string_search_1 ;zero length strings are found immediately
- mov bx,cx ;save search string length.
- mov cx,dx ;get target string length.
- mov dx,si ;save search string pointer.
- dec bx
- sub cx,bx ;this many fewer chars to look at.
- jb string_search_5 ;string is shorter than search.
- string_search_3:
- jcxz string_search_5 ;no chars to look at.
- mov si,dx
- lodsb ;get the first char.
- string_search_4:
- scasb ;look for the first char.
- loopnz string_search_4 ;keep looking until we find it.
- jnz string_search_5 ;we didn't
- xchg cx,bx ;set the count to the string length.
- push cx ;save the string length
- push di ;save the source position
- repe cmpsb ;is this it?
- mov cx,bx ;restore the search length
- pop di ;restore the source position
- pop bx ;restore the string length
- jne string_search_3 ;no match - try at next position.
- mov si,dx ;restore search pointer
- dec di ;make di point to the first char again.
- mov dx,cx ;return the remaining count in dx.
- mov cx,bx ;restore search count
- inc cx ;restore count's original value.
- string_search_1:
- clc
- jmp short string_search_2
- string_search_5:
- stc
- string_search_2:
- ret
- endif
- public getarg1_filename
- getarg1_filename:
- mov cx,1
- public getarg_filename
- getarg_filename:
- call getarg
- mov di,offset filename
- rep movsb
- xor al,al
- stosb
- mov si,offset filename
- ret
- extrn getarg1: near
- ;getarg1 returns si -> the first argument. cx is set to the size
- ; of the first argument.
- extrn getarg: near
- ;getarg returns si -> the argument given in cx. cx is set to the size
- ; of the argument.
- code ends
- end init